Best Week Ever/1

As we come to the end of the week and the end of another month 
I would like to start a new series 'Best Week Ever'.  
I like to live positively and think that every week could be our best week ever.

It will be my end of the week posts about everything we have been up to here in England.  I realise with so many social networking sites bits about my expat life is a little all over the place.  Or with my blogging schedule there are things I would love to share with you but run out of days in the week to devote a post to another subject or story.  Without further adieu here is the first installment of Best Week Ever on A Compass Rose.  Let me know what you think! 

1. Bieber Fever. It has hit my house. I asked both my boys how they wanted their hair cut and they answered 'Justin Bieber'. After doing a google search to confirm what kind of a look they wanted with their hair I got out my hairdressing bag and got to work.  My eldest chose Bieber prior to 2011 and my youngest chose Bieber circa 2013.  The result? Two happy clients.

2. Book Club.  I finished Sense & Sensibility for the #JaneAustenBookClub.  It was my first time to read this novel.  Due to seeing the film so often it was hard not to picture Alan Rickman as Col. Brandon. It was also a little harder to get into for some reason.  Minus a completed blog post for the book club, I am all set to reread Pride and Prejudice for July. Anyone else in?

3. My husband loves to cook. He was not really encouraged to do so growing up but as an adult it has become one of his top passions.  Somewhere in Hawaii with our mainly vegetarian diet he found a love for all these new vegetables and tastes he had not had before and I believe it is what unlocked the flood gate to his culinary interests.  Having not grown up eating canned vegetables I honestly get weak in the knees every time my husband cooks with something new for the first time.  Do not let me fool you I can cook. It is just I look in the fridge and think 'omg what am I going to fix for dinner??!' and he looks in the fridge and comes up with some combination I would never have dreamed up.  This week we had garlic chicken wrapped in bacon and covered with chile spices. Yes please. 

4. Recipes. I finally blogged about Pims after having been asked so many times by readers and friends in America about it.  It really is a staple of all get togethers in the 'summer' (if you can call it that) in the UK.  At a fete it will have the longest que and will be the first thing to run out before the ice cream.

5. I Challenge You! To keep myself accountable and to be inspired by all of you, I have started my first link up for the #SelfPortraitSaturday challenge.  This is a project I started last year and decided to continue this year.  However I need you to help encourage me to do it every week.  Share your selfies whether you use a camera or a phone and make sure to link up before the end of Friday GMT.

6. Suits! I blogged this week about getting a Suit Tailored in Bangkok. Also my husband now has his suit, tie, and pocket square for the Vow Renewal in August.  I just cannot wait to see him all dressed up.  Honestly there is nothing sexier to me than a man in a well fitted suit who knows how to put the look together.  For a split second I thought I might forgo my wedding gown and wear my white suit (inspired by Angelina Jolie) that I wore to leave my reception.  However I do not feel super beautiful in it for whatever reason this week.  So I do not know. We will leave it at that. 

7.  Photography. We learn from our mistakes.  Sometimes false truths that we are led to believe before realising that we were misinformed.  Since I love photography and want to share with you my passion for it, I want to dispel with the lies.  You can read more about it in the post this week: Photography and the Lies I Believed

8. To my Winos. I am still doing the #FMSPhotoADay challenge on Instagram.  For the prompt 'empty' I decided to do a shout out to all my blogger friends who are always sharing their photos with wine to share with you the sadness in my house that is the empty decanter.  What can I say? It has been a tight month.  I am looking forward to going on vacation later next month with my sister so she can talk my ear off about wine and give me a wine tasting.  She is a level II Sommelier and I could not be more proud of her.  So as empty as my decanter is when the budget is tight, so is a piece of my heart when my sister is not near. 

9. My Day Out. Yesterday I had to run into town to return a whole bunch of library books as well as pick up Pride & Prejudice for next months reading.  It was so lovely out while I was in town.  It was warm enough to get away without a jacket and the sun brought everyone outside.  Which was good since as soon as my kids got home from school it rained through to the evening.  Want to see some videos of life here in Bath, England? Those are up on  Instagram too. 


A   L i t t l e   B l u r b   a b o u t   B l o g g i n g   o n   A   C o m p a s s   R o s e :
I am constantly over analyzing every aspect of blogging and of my blog.  Which you might notice is why the design has undergone a evolving face lift over the last week. 

After coming off the Blog Every Day In May challenge I have been trying to streamline my posts so that they are all relevant to ACR.  I really want to join in every link up and think the giveaways are lovely.  However, I want you to know that I will try my best not to bombard you with things that are not related.  

I feel as a blogger over the last few months I have felt pressured to 'fit in' and to do what everyone else is doing.  If I give into that mentality I will lose myself, my voice, and my love for blogging.  So here is me just saying that I will continue to strive towards the best I can be for you my readers.

Lastly if there is anything you like, love, or do not like let me know.  Blogging is a learning curve. 


Google Reader is shutting down on Monday.  However there is a wonderful solution: Bloglovin'.  Do you follow ACR on Bloglovin' yet?  I would love to keep you as a reader, if you have an problems let me know. 

Q: Would you link up to this If I made it an option for next week? A 'Best Week Ever' link up?


*Photographs belong to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 - 2013 All Rights Reserved - 


  1. I love that youre a hairsressee and you can cut your boys hair, mine would turn into a bowl cut for sure! And I can't wait to see pictures of you and your husband at your renewal! It's going to be stunning!

    1. I will say that my poor husband usually gets the short straw and never has his hair cut on time. I really need to make sure he gets top priority. We've been meaning to cut his hair for the last two weekends and it just has not happened.

      Thank you that means a lot Chelsea. Hope you have a great weekend! :)


  2. I'm glad you're staying true to yourself! It's hard not to get sucked into what every other blogger is doing sometimes.

  3. I love the hair cuts! The boys look so handsome. And Pimms....oh Pimms...It's not summer without Pimms. xx

  4. Sign me up for next Friday's linky, Bonnie!

  5. The Bieber fever is catching. Belgian kids have it, too. Except they have their own Belgian version of Justin Bieber. Twice the Bieber-like frenzy to go around because they love the original Justin Bieber, too. :) I love that your boys both chose Bieber cuts but still very different styles. Props to mamas that let their kids express their own styles. Looking forward to participating in the book club this month, too! This is the first chance I've taken to really explore your blog and I really like what you've written at the end of this post. It's great to do what you want with your space and to remain true to your purpose - whatever you define that to be. I'm sure I will enjoy checking out your posts in the future.

  6. You did such a great job on your boys' hair! I love that they each got a different Bieber look :)


I love to interact with my readers and I try my best to respond back to all comments.

Bonnie Rose

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