Friday, 18 October 2013

Thank You & Your Feedback

Dear Readers: Our week is coming to an end and I wanted to take this time to say 'Thank you'.  You mean so much to me and I continue to blog every day because of your encouragement, your support, and most importantly your friendship.  I do not know how you stumbled upon my blog but I am so thankful our paths crossed.  Thank you for returning time and time again and thank you for every single comment, each tweet, and every thoughtful email.  Thank you for not only being my friend but for loving on all my sponsors and those who have guest posted here at ACR.  I may not say it enough but your kindness and love mean so much to me and I appreciate everyone one of you. 

C h e e r s .   G r a z i e .   M e r c i .   D a n k e .   T h a n k   Y o u ! 

May I ask a favour? I have been posting on this blog off and on since 2005 and I do not even begin to think that I know everything there is about blogging.  Just this morning I was reading blog advice from my friend Lauren and found that her tips were still quite relevant to me.  My aim is to continue adding quality blog content with both words and photographs as ACR keeps on growing.  Being the nomadic free spirit I am I sometimes feel I have a hard to defining my 'niche'.  From talking with my other Third Culture Kid friends I know I am not alone. So I wanted to ask you for your advice. 
  • What are your favourite blog posts on ACR?
  • Which series have been your favourite?
  • Do you like guest posts?
  • Which guest posts have been your favourite? 
  • Do you like the link ups and which link ups would you participate in?
  • Do you like occasional giveaways?
  • I notice many bloggers share new photos of themselves in every new post. This is not something I necessarily do. Do you feel like not having that aspect makes it harder to connect to me?
  • What do you not see that you wish I had more of on ACR?
  • Are their things you love on other blogs that I do not do here?
  • Are there things you think I could do better at?
  • Would you like to see something changed?
  • How do you read ACR? On your smart phone or on the computer?
  • Do you like following me on other social media sites?
  • Which social media sites to you like following me on? (twitter/pinterest/facebook/instagram/etc)
  • Do you like the photography portions to ACR?
  • What makes you excited about returning to this blog?
  • You love coming here...what would be your dream posts to read here?
  • What would you love me to blog about?

Answer one, answer all it is up to you. I just started typing questions as they came to me.  I really appreciate your feedback as I just to make ACR better for you.  I love writing and sharing my photographs which is why I enjoy blogging so much.  However I want to break down that 'fourth wall' and really hear from you so that I can connect my blog further to my readers. No two blogs can be the same which is why comparing can lead to ruin. Help me instead continue to evolve ACR into what it should become. I appreciate any feedback you can give me.

You do not have to comment on this post with your feedback.  

* Bridal photo up top: Photography © Miriam Pinkston Visual Artist, 2009-2013 All Rights
** Custom graphics original to A Compass Rose by Bonnie Rose © 2005 - 2013 All Rights Reserved |


  1. I really love your travel posts whether it is a new trip, or you are talking about ones in the past. Being biased, but I enjoy your posts on your time in Italy too (so nice to know another blogger who gets what I am talking about equally!). Your photography posts are brilliant too, whether it's tips or candid shots that tell a story. x

  2. Thank you for your feedback Louisa! I agree, I love reading all the Italian posts on your blog. I wanted to weep into my keyboard though with that delicious photo of insalata caprese. I miss mozzerella di buffalo! Mmm... Again thank you and I love hearing about what you like best on ACR. Hope you have a great weekend! x

  3. I have loved the posts that talk about things no one else addresses... that body image post you wrote will always be one of my favorites! I also love anything featuring one of your amazing photos =0)

  4. This is probably awful feedback, but I think you should keep doing things exactly as you are. It's very YOU. You've got a great mixture of things that can appeal to a broad range of people. I wouldn't change that!

  5. I like that you post about all kinds of things and you don't necessarily have just one niche, you have several. You're an expat, a tck, a photogrpaher, a traveler, all things I love and can relate to! Just be you and blog about what YOU want to blog about! Don't feel you have to change a thing!

  6. I love the different series you do (self-portraits, war on women, travel) etc so those I look forward to. I also love a good linky and occassional giveaway (not so keen when some bloggers do endless giveaways or sponsorship/sponsored posts - not really interested in being plugged a product). Love the life stuff - thoughts on expat life and general experiences. I like guest posts as love meeting new bloggers - as long as they are not trying to sell me something too!
    Also love and would like to see more photography how-tos - really simple ones and I am a beginners beginner (think point and press).

    Hope I have not rambled too much!

  7. I love the stories and expat experiences. You touch on everything with an honesty and openness that's hard to find and makes everything a bit more real. And, always, ALWAYS love your photography and photography tips!

  8. Just off the top of my head, things on your blog I love are mainly the photography. I like to see good pictures and you have them. If I go a blog and there is just a ton of reading and no pictures, I get bored. I assume others do too. Plus you always have a creative way of doing your layouts. Also, love the link ups. Theres only one or two people to follow and I've connected with other expats on your blog through the link up more than other blogs. I hate when there is a link up on other blogs and you have to follow like 20 just to link up. I just pass.

  9. I spent a semester abroad in Bath, so I love to see your photos in and around town. I enjoy your travel and photography posts and hope to take your class soon. I follow you on Instagram, twitter and Pinterest too.

  10. My favorite posts are the ones of you and your family out and about exploring your surroundings, it's nice to see the pubs, the walks, festivals and churches :)


I love to interact with my readers and I try my best to respond back to all comments.

Bonnie Rose

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