Thursday, 17 October 2013

Photography: After the Storm

I have been looking forward to showing you the photos from my photo shoot, After the Storm for a throwback Thursday post.  It was a creative collaboration with my friend and model, Pua in Hawaii.  It was a conceptual fashion photo shoot that really spoke to me about the challenges and struggles we go through in life.  When we overcome the periods of darkness and the adversity, the healing that comes after the storm.  I also wanted to give another shout out to my model for this photo shoot because she brought so much to making it successful.  My favourite time to shoot is early in the morning after sunrise and she on top of it being early she put up with the elements.  Since we could not plan on a rain shower, I had my husband assisting with a water hose and the water was quite cold. This shoot really makes me miss doing a lot of creative work in my photography field and I aim to be doing more of this in 2014.  Here are my favourite photos from my shoot:


I cannot say enough good things about my sponsor this month, Brittany Ruth.  I was so happy to have her join my side bar this month and look forward to sharing more about her blog and her adventures in Europe with you all.  As today is my photography post day I wanted to share one that I loved from the Rococo Roamer: Capture Colour Photo Blogging Challenge.  Definitely check it out to inspire your upcoming photo shoots! If you take part let Brittany Ruth and I know so we can check out your posts.  Theres more...I have a soft spot for all bloggers who visit places I grew up and Brittany has been sharing posts from Naples, Capri, and Pompeii! Want more?  Check out her blog and let her know I sent you. ;) 


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* Photography belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 - 2013 All Rights Reserved |


  1. Love the pictures!
    The white little dress and the rain - just awesome :)

  2. Gosh, Bonnie! These are just amazing! Your model was great - I especially love the photos at the very end. Just beautiful.

  3. Wow, absolutely stunning photos. Kudos on the waterproof makeup, held up so well! & love your idea behind the shoot. x


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Bonnie Rose

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