Monday, 7 October 2013

My Family Photos in Wales

While we were in Wales this summer for our 10th Anniversary Vow Renewal, my friend Miriam took our family portraits.  You can see the ones I took of her family at Travel: Cymer Abbey Family Portraits.   If you love travel posts, remember tomorrow is Travel Tuesday and you can link up with us on the blog.  We just got back our family portraits this weekend from the Cymer Abbey and I was so excited to share them all with you today on the blog.  Since I had so many favourites I have kept out the romantic ones of just Ryan and I, to share for another day.  These photographs are so precious to me because they contain our family members.  It meant so much to us for our vow renewal that our family be there to support us.  My mum and sister were ready to book their tickets once they heard the news last Christmas and I know my dad would have been here if he was still alive.  I must have taken so many photographs myself of my mum and my sister with my boys, photos I know that Ronan and Maddox will cherish as they grow older.  Family is everything to Ryan I and why we enjoyed our time in Wales so much.  Here is mia familia (thank you so much Miriam!): 

* Photography © Miriam Pinkston Visual Artist, 2009-2013 All Rights reserved.


  1. Great photos! Such a lovely family! :)

  2. Thank you Jay, I was so blessed to have Miriam come take our photographs. x

  3. Thank you Casey. As expats you never know when you'll have all the family together again for a photo like this, so glad we got it captured by Miriam. x

  4. Thank you Anda, i just love being able to share these with you all. x

  5. and tell you the truth we enjoy it immensely :)

  6. Those boys in bowties is just to cute, they must be in style too because my brother just wore one to his homecoming dance!

  7. I am obsessed with bowties and suspenders, but I just could not find the later for the boys in time for the renewal. :( I'll be honest the bowties came out of kids' magazine for Doctor they wore Doctor Who bowties...oh yes. we are awesome. ;)

  8. These are beautiful :)!!! Such a gorgeous family!

  9. Lovely pictures - and gorgeous family!

  10. What wonderful family photos!

  11. All of these are so wonderful! Perfect photos to help you cherish the memories :)
    I love the bowties on the boys!


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Bonnie Rose

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