Sunday, 6 October 2013

To Solsbury Hill at Sunset

It has been a good several weeks since we have gone on a country walk.  At first it started with choosing to go kayaking instead as the end of summer was approaching.  However, in the last few weeks we have been so busy that we have not been able to schedule in one of our favourite pastimes.  It is our favourite reason for choosing to live on the outskirts of Bath where country meets town. Being able to just walk outside of our house to go on a country walk is a simple pleasure we all enjoy.  So this Saturday, Ryan made sure we fit in a country walk even if it was getting closer to evening.  It was our goal to end up on Solsbury Hill to watch the sunset.  We saw cows, sheep, and a pair of each of the following animals: horses, deer, and rabbits.  The boys collected their first round up of conkers for the 2013 autumn season, to play against each other back at home.  Then we watched the sun go down as we made our way to to the top of Solsbury Hill, where we got to see all the twinkling lights of the towns down below.  It was our first evening hike and a great one to start off the season here in England.  I really hope then when we find our new place to live in the coming months it is close enough to the country so we can continue this favourite weekend ritual of our expat life. 

*photography by Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 - 2013 All Rights Reserved |


  1. what beautiful photos! and i love that you do this as a family. what a great way to get outdoors and unconnected! oh and how cool is this that views like this are so close to your house!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! The colors are just so vibrant, makes me happy just looking at it! But as I grew up around horses, all I want to do is spend hours fixing that poor horse's mane!

  3. I love looking down on cities at night like that so magical!

  4. I now have the Peter Gabriel song stuck in my head! I didn't realize that it was a real place, and it is as beautiful as the song!

  5. I love those shades of green and the last photo.

  6. Thank you Lix, its lovely seeing the results of all the rain...luscious greens.

  7. Oh yes. We ran into him once when we were there. I love that song...and when I go up by myself will have it on my playlist.

  8. Oh yes! We have been talking about going up at evening time, and so glad we got to do it. Would def go up again to just watch the stars.

  9. It is Bailie! So awesome to see that perspective and at night too.

  10. Thank you Sarah Beth! Oh I know, the mane was not the only part that needed attending to either. Especially all the hair around its legs had attracted a lot of plant life. We tried to pet the horse and it was a bit more skittish than others we have come across.

  11. Thank you sweet Chelsea, it was a fun day/night out. We use to do this every weekend, sometimes twice a weekend, so looking forward to getting back into it again now that we are into a regular routine with summer over. I will miss these views, and hope we find our next place somewhere nearby.

  12. What a stunning country walk!! the top of the hill and that sunset? omg!! beautiful! <3

  13. WOW what a sunset!!!! Love the horse pics!

  14. Gorgeous photos as ever, Bonnie! You inspire me.

  15. It's so lush and green, I love it!


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Bonnie Rose

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