Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Barmouth Beach Pt. II

So happy to have another Travel Tuesday with you all and getting my fix of wanderlust by hopping around all the travel posts.  I hope you guys are meeting some great bloggers!  I just found out that I will be attending a London Bloggers Tea next month and I cannot wait to share that all with you here on ACR.  There seems to be so much going on still in 2013, so I want to share few things with you here:
  • Link Up! Join the link up at the bottom of the post with any travel, wanderlust, or expat post from your blog.  Then hop around and get your travel fix from visiting other blogs.
  • Join the Map! If you click the Map link you can add your Travel and Expat blog to our ever growing map of bloggers!
  • Get Ready! The first Tuesday of November will be our themed Travel Tuesday post and the theme for the month will be: Relationships.  Perhaps post about a place you would love to go next and tell us who you would bring with you or share your favourite family photographs from your recent trip this summer! The choice is yours and I look forward to seeing what you come up with next month.
  • Join the Sidebar! I love sharing travel and expat posts and stories on my blog from other travelers.  Become a November Sponsor today!

Today I am going to be following up my travel post from Barmouth Wales, when I posted about The Beach at Barmouth Pt. I back in the summer. This is part II and our third trip to Barmouth Beach during our 10th Anniversary Vow Renewal trip to Wales.  We just loved being at the seaside and this time we actually go into the cold water. Well my sons did anyways and the rest of us enjoyed hanging out on the beach.  The picturesque views and salty air were just what I needed. Now that it is getting cold and November is approaching, I really enjoy soaking up the last memories of Summer. 

(Also as a side note the girl pictured below is my sister)


Share your Travel stories and wanderlust addictions.
1. Share a post about travel! From road trips to trips abroad and from past travels to dream vacations. You can write about travel tips and tricks, favorite places to stay, or anything in between! Just make it about traveling somewhere!
2. Grab the lovely button. If you run into trouble, just make sure to mention Bonnie in a link! ;) 
3. Linkup goes live every Tuesday at 9 am GMT.
4. Hop around and meet new travel loving bloggers! Link up will be open for a few days, make sure to check back to visit some of the newer travel posts!
5. Please only one linked up post per blogger. Save other posts for future linkups!
6. The First Tuesday of every month will be a themed prompt if you want to join in!

* Photography belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 - 2013 All Rights Reserved | http://www.bonnieroseblog.co.uk


  1. What a lovely beach and your photos are wonderful. I love the shot of the gull at the end!

  2. Love salty air! And congratulations guys on renewing your vows :)
    These are great pictures for great times with your beautiful family!

  3. I love the beach, and never realised there were some nice ones in the UK until we went to Cornwall last summer. I told my bf he was holding out on me haha. This place looks so pretty with the cliffs in the background. I keep saying it but I really want to do a road trip around wales!

  4. Thank you Louisa, it was such a great beach and we obviously could not stay away. Yes he kept posing for my camera. ;)

  5. There is nothing better than being at the beach for the soul! Thank you we had such a great time Mal. x

  6. You make Wales look so wonderful. That picture of the sea gull is the cutest thing. Also I pressed publish on mine and then popped over and saw you also feature wine on the beach this week. Great minds!

  7. I cannot wait to go to Cornwall. You must got to Wales...it makes me want to go back every year. x

  8. Thank you Anna, I just love Wales! Haha...yes. They really go hand in hand yes? My sister is a sommelier in DC and so we had a lot of wine during the week. :)

  9. Abner still has his seashell! :)

  10. Aww, good! Special momentos from summer!

  11. Lovely photos, I never realized that the coast of Wales was so beautiful!



  12. Thank you Mar...it is just like a dream. I love Wales! x

  13. Mar, do you have a twitter account?

  14. At the moment, no. Not sure I can handle anything on top of bloglovin/facebook, but I'm considering getting one soon. :)


  15. If you do let me know, I'd love to send a few shout outs. x

  16. Bonnie, I love these photos! They are so dreamy--perfect for a lazy summer day (something I am certainly craving this cold, cold autumn day :). Thank you so much for hosting every week! This is one of my favorite linkups because I get to virtually satiate my wanderlust :)

  17. Ooh, I can just feel the sand underneath my feet and smell the sea air! Love these photos, Bonnie!

  18. Such lovely pictures. We were in Barmouth in the Summer and it really is a wonderful little town, sadly we didn't have the weather for swimming though! I love that seagull picture - beautiful.

  19. Gorgeous pics Bonnie! I would love to see Wales at some point in the future. So many places to see...
    All of a sudden I have a craving for a nice glass of wine. lol! Wishing I was on the beach ~ next summer perhaps! :)

  20. I really love these pictures, Bonnie! I never think of the UK as having beaches, but with all that coastline, what else would it be? I would love to visit myself someday.

  21. That's a nice beach for sure, wish we had more sandy beaches near us but the Kent coast seems to be mostly pebble beaches.

  22. Beautiful pictures, Bonnie! I wouldn't have expected to find beaches like these in Wales! :)

  23. Such lovely photos - I love the colors! This post really conveys a sense of relaxation and fun :)

  24. Hi Bonnie! Good to meet you! It's my first time here but I love the sound of travel Tuesdays. I shall have to get involved next month when my time is my eon again after my exams. Looking forward to meeting you at the Afternoon Tea.

    Your photos of Barmouth are gorgeous. I love Wales but haven't been on the beach there in, oh, about 35 years! I love the desaturated look in your photos.


I love to interact with my readers and I try my best to respond back to all comments.

Bonnie Rose

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