Monday, 28 October 2013

ACR: Become a November Sponsor

Hey babes and babettes.  Have been a little preoccupied this weekend with a sick kid.  Luckily my WebMD search of scarlet fever and strep fever was inaccurate and it ended up being a body rash due to a viral tonsillitis that has been going around.  Which meant we spent the entire weekend inside the house taking care of my son and getting ready for the 'big storm'.  Which for us meant some nice howling wind and lots of rain that carried on through today.  The wind even blew my heart shaped brolly inside out today while in town.  The good news is my son is now starting to feel much better and in good time for their week off from from school.  We are having a fun week preparing for Halloween.  It is hard to believe there are just a few days left until November. Which means now is the perfect time to sign up to be a sponsor for November!

Join the Sidebar | I would love to have you a part of the ACR family.  Become a Sponsor Today!


  1. Sweet, I just saw! Welcome and I loo forward to having you on in the next few days! x


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Bonnie Rose

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