Monday, 4 November 2013

November Fireworks - Bath, England

This past weekend we kicked off the holiday season with fireworks here in Bath, England.  For those of you who do not know, November 5th is Bonfire night here in the UK.  Since the 5th lands on a Tuesday this year the city had fireworks going on for the weekend.  We had the pleasure of watching the show with our theatre community and had an amazing view.  It started pouring rain half way through so we caught the last half inside the Drama Hut. It was a great local to see the firework show.  We just found out there will be something in our town for tomorrow night and I am hoping it includes a Bonfire complete with Guy Fawkes!

Just to recap the rest of the weekend, we had a lot of rain. However despite the showers we kept ourselves busy.  Friday we went into Bradford on Avon for a country walk, I had a committee meeting with the Bath Drama group that night, followed by drinks at the pub.  Saturday we watched Arsenal play Liverpool at the pub followed by the Fireworks.  Sunday I caught a secret engagement going on on at the Pulteney Bridge on my way to Panto rehearsal. It was really romantic and all the people watching from across the way cheered the happy couple on.  It was a great weekend and now that it is over I am looking forward to my trip to London next weekend! 

Q: What were the highlights from your weekend?

* Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 - 2013 All Rights Reserved | 


  1. Really going to miss the Nov 5th festivities and fireworks now that I am in the U.S. - trying to persuade Hubby to get some sparklers to mark the day!

    Love the photos of the fireworks - thay came out beautifully!

  2. Wow- how beautiful!! Glad you had a good time :)

  3. I love firework photos, but yours are amazing! I missed the excellent fireworks up at Blackheath as I was stuck in bed all day with a really bad stomach flu. It was horrible!

  4. Your firework shots came out great! Happy Bonfire Night! x

  5. Beautiful photographs of the fireworks and of the city. We spent the weekend cleaning up from Halloween and playing bocce ball and going out to dinner with my family for my Dad's birthday. I wonder if I will hear fireworks tomorrow night.

  6. Awww home sick! I am celebrating Bonfire night tonight with some Germans where we will burn old Guy and eat burgers... but we can't even have fireworks! It's just not the same :(

  7. Aw I have fond memories of celebrating Guy Fawkes day as a child in SA, until the SPCA got it banned because it freaks the animals out. But it often coincided with Diwali so there were fireworks anyway :D

  8. I looove fireworks, gorgeous!


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Bonnie Rose

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