Bonfire Night, Batheaston 2013

Saturday night we had our first round of Fireworks in the heart of Bath, England in preparation for Bonfire Night 2013. Last night on (Remember, Remember...) the 5th of November we celebrated in typical English fashion with a Bonfire, fireworks, warm food and mulled wine. The USA has their firework displays for their Independence Day from England in 1776 and the UK burns effigies of Guy Fawkes, a man who failed the Gunpowder plot of 1605. After celebrating Bonfire Night last year in Lewes, I honestly favour the UK holiday. If you are ever going to be in England for Bonfire night I highly recommend heading to Lewes for it is the biggest celebrated Fifth November Event in the world. In fact there are six different bonfire society’s all celebrating the Fifth in various parts of the town. Each has their own processions, traditions, costumes, fire sites and fireworks.

My History with Bonfire Night
When we lived in England, when I was a young girl, I loved going to Bonfire night.  Even when we moved away from England my dad will still take me to celebrate it.  I have fond memories of when we lived in Italy and getting together with the RAF families to set fire to the Guy and watch the bonfire burn.  When we moved to England in 2011, this was one of anticipated 'firsts' that I wanted to experience with my husband and sons. There was a bonfire society near where my kids went to school that year and the school was involved in the procession. This meant we got to hold up banners and march all around the town of Lindfield, waving to the crowds of people watching.  I even got to hold a flaming torch which was probably the most exciting part of that night for me.  As we were part of the procession we got a prime location to watch the bonfire and fireworks from later that evening as well.  It was our first Bonfire Night together as a family in England and a very memorable one indeed.

I hope you enjoyed our photos from Bonfire night last night.  I did not blog in the month of November last year and so I have not yet shared photos from Lewes on ACR.  Will be sharing those soon, so please check back.

Q: Did you celebrate Bonfire Night last night?

* Photography belongs to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2007 - 2013 All Rights Reserved | 


  1. How fun! Back in Texas, we had some friends from England who were members of an English expat club and we used to always tag along to the Bonfire Night party. It was always loads and loads of fun :)

  2. This is too cool! Your boys must have been in awe. Would love to attend bonfire day in person someday - I've been intrigued since V for Vendetta came out :)

  3. I went to my local park thinking it was going to be a nice quiet affair with a few fireworks. Nope! Took us 20 minutes of lining up to get into the park, crazy! There wasn't a bonfire, but the fireworks were so great and the ice cream was delish :)

  4. I love these pictures! Looks like a great idea for our recent photo assignment!

  5. Great photos, Bonnie!

    Guy Fawkes is my favourite "holiday" in the UK, because it's starting to cool down and you get all rugged up in boots, coat & scarf and it marks the beginning of the Christmas season for me!

  6. Gorgeous photos!!! Totally captures the essence of the night!

  7. Mmm, fire. Jealous you get to photograph fire! I love working with sources of light.


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Bonnie Rose

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