Sunday, 2 June 2013

Browns Folly & Monkton Farleigh

This weekend we were blessed with a break in the rain and a lovely sunny Saturday.  We took the opportunity to explore a new area near our home in Bath, England.  As active participants of country walks through the English countryside, we love finding new paths to enjoy.  We begun our walk through the town of Bathford up to the woods in the area known as Browns Folly.  My eldest had come here on a school trip this year and we had heard much about the mines and the ground flora we could find in the area.  We indeed did find some of the King Alfred's cakes and the wild garlic. We also found a lovely horse that was very friendly, got stung by nettle, and covered in pollen as our path took us through a massive yellow field of blooming rapeseed plants. It was yet another day out in England where every ten minutes one of us would exclaim either how beautiful it was or how much we never want to move.  It is hard to feel sad or stressed out when you are outside scenes that look ripped out from a storybook.  Not to mention the tower that was so Rapunzel-esque and the beautiful view of our town below.  Here are a just a few of the many photographs I took on our country walk journey through Browns Folly and Monkton Farleigh. 


*photographs belong to Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved | 


  1. Beautiful pictures! And the scenery is amazing. They don't have places like that in the Netherlands.


  2. What a great day to explore! Makes me miss the UK!

  3. Looks lovely and the I loved seeing the picture of the rapeseed, whenever we buy oil here it is rapeseed and I always feel so awkward when I say it.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous! I want to teleport to there right now!
    XO, Rachel
    With Love, Rachel

  5. Your photos make me miss England so much! I love the ones of the horses. There was a field with two horses near where I went to university and I used to walk past them every day.

  6. just breathtaking, makes me wanna run in the fields!

  7. Ahh, I so want to go and wander around the English countryside now. London just doesn't crack it at this time of the year - I need green to go with my sunshine!

  8. It does look like a storybook, I wouldn't want to leave either :)


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Bonnie Rose

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