Saturday, 1 June 2013

Book Club: Sense and Sensibility

June has arrived and with new month I have a new challenge.  I will be reading Sense and Sensibility as part of the Jane Austen Book Club and tweeting about it with the hash tag #JaneAustenBookClub  Every month there will be a new book and I am very excited to join Erin on journey of Jane Austen's works. I live in Bath, England, a place that impacted her writing and locations that appear in her books.   I am planning a trip to the Jane Austen Centre here in town which sounds fantastic.  I look forward to sharing this journey with you and invite you to join in as well. 

I stumbled upon this lovely gem soon after moving to Bath as I was exploring the city! 

Design by Mr. Fraser


  1. Jane Austin brings back memories of school (in a good way!), although I haven't read sense and sensibility, so maybe I need to! X

  2. I am looking forward to this. I am going to pick up Sense and Sensibility today but I am sure I won't find a wonderful copy like you have. It really is a lovely gem. So excited to delve into the world of Jane Austin having only watched a few of the movies that have been made but never actually reading her books. I think a trip to Bath may be in order during the upcoming months. I would love to visit the Jane Austen Centre. Happy reading!

  3. I've never read that one. What a good suggestion. Thanks!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you and Gina for joining The Jane Austen Book Club.It is going to be so much fun to go on a journey with Jane together. I myself might consider a trip up to Bath to go to the Jane Austen Centre. If I can we should meet up!

    Started reading Sense and Sensibility today! Let me tell you, already not a fan of this Mrs. John Dashwood. She's a witch with a capital B! I love your copy, where did you get it again? You told me but I can't remember now.

    Erin x

  6. The film version with Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Alan Rickman and High Grant is fantastic!

  7. I love Jane Austen! Sense and Sensibility is my favorite of her's, I think.


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Bonnie Rose

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