Wednesday, 9 October 2013

The Expat Life of Kate

Today I have a special treat for you all here at A Compass Rose.  My featured sponsor for October is Kate, from Diaries of an Essex Girl.  As a top sponsor for the month she gets to take over my blog for the day with a guest post.  I could not wait to share her post as soon as she sent it in as she talks all about her expat life.  I do not want to give any of it away, so I will let her take it from here! Thank you Kate for this wonderful guest post on life of an expat!


My Expat Adventures Hey friends! My name is Kate and I am a British expat who owns a blog called Diaries of an Essex Girl. I am not a run of the mill expat who has moved to X country but I am an expat who moves to a new country every 6-12 months. This means my life is constantly all over the place and my character is currently a mixture of British, French and German culture with a sprinkle of Greek & Dutch in there too.

I travel with my long-term boyfriend Daniel, who is my partner in crime and an all around top chap, we have a lot of fun traveling together and I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else. So far we have lived in 4 countries together (including England) - I have also lived in France - since we left England 1.5 years ago. It can be a struggle to get creative with telling your travel story due to it's length or the amount you've told it, so today I've decided to share my story with you guys in pictures. I think the glee on my face in all of them tells you how much I love where we are at right now!
  amsterdam holland british expat couple diaries of an essex girlbritish expat couple zakynthos workers 2012
british expat paris versailles france au pair diaries of an essex girl 2012
british expat couple germany

As my current blog readers already know, Dan and I plan to move to Japan in mid 2014 and we can't wait for the next leg of our adventure! Our adventures so far have been nothing short of eventful and I can't wait to share even more with you guys as we continue!

To follow my adventures, you can keep track of my posts on Bloglovin or receive short and sweet bursts through twitter. I'd love to hear from you! Before I leave, I'd like to say thank you to Bonnie for having me over at her wonderful blog today and I love reading all about her life in my old home, it makes it feel a little less far away!


  1. Yay :) Thanks for having me Bonnie!

  2. I already love Kate so much and these pictures were a great way to see a new part of her journey!

  3. YAY for two great bloggers (and two of my favorites) coming together -- Bonnie and Kate! :)

  4. Love reading this and meeting a new blogger! Yay!

  5. You know all the right things to say! ;)


I love to interact with my readers and I try my best to respond back to all comments.

Bonnie Rose

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