Best Week Ever #5

It is really easy for me to say why 
this has been the Best Week Ever 
and I can sum it up with three points:

1. First week of Summer. This was the first official week of summer vacation for my sons.  Which can be odd when I see social media posts from friends in the US who are preparing to send their children back to school.  The Autumn school term in England starts back up again in September.

2. My mum flew in from the US to visit. She got in an hour earlier than we expected and so we jetted into town in a taxi to meet her at the train station.  I caught a really cute video on Instagram of my boys who were beyond excited to see their Nonna. Ronan has not stopped hugging her since she has been here.  
(Side note: For those of you whom have asked about the audio on my instagram videos. Yes it is lower than usual. I think when I dropped my iPhone 4 last, which shattered it on both sides, it damaged the microphone. Just think of it as a modern day take on silent films.)

3. A royal baby was born! I am a royalist. I have been enamored with the Royal family since I was a little girl living in England with frame photos of (the then titled) Prince William and his mum Lady Diana on my vanity. I got dressed up and wore a fascinator in my hair at 0 dark 30 in California to watch the Royal Wedding with my other dual citizen friends and family. So of course I delayed dinner for a few hours to watch and wait for the live review of the new royal baby to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.  I was not surprised to find out the name and love how it sounds, George Alexander Louis. 

Speaking of names.  I have been obsessed with baby names since I was a teenager.  I have always had a long list of girl names and though they have changed through out the years, my longing for a baby girl is still as strong as ever.  As I was looking through a journal this week I was surprised to find a friend of mine had altered my baby name list when we were both at summer camp back in 2000. 

So while Zoë (my sister's name, meaning life) and Rose still frequent my current baby naming lists, I have to admit that my choices as a seventeen year old have changed quite a bit. The amended name next to the astrid is of my friend and blogger Lauren.  So who knows Lauren, maybe when I get my baby girl I will indeed name her after you. ;)


LOVE WEEK.  Starting tomorrow I leave you in the loving arms of ten blogger friends of mine, living in eight different countries around the world.  Each day one of them will be the guest blogger with a special post about Love.  It is all in celebration for our 10th Wedding Anniversary (02.08.13) and Vow Renewal.  I will be keeping everyone updated on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with the hashtag: #RyanAndBonnie.  Our friends and family will be sharing as well as we celebrate from Snowdonia, Wales.  Look out for the button below on the Guest Blogger's blogs and share some love and comments as they open up to you about Love


Have an amazing weekend and I look forward to catching up with you all 
when we return with photographs and video from the Vow Renewal.


  1. I love the royals too, the baby is so cute!

    Hope you and your sons have a lovely summer :)!


  2. "Love Week" sounds awesome! Looking forward to reading the posts :)
    As for the Royal baby news, I am British but I'm just not that interested! The Royal Family are a great part of our history but I feel like they just don't do anything anymore!

  3. I hope you love Love Week Kate! I really loved looking over the guest posts and its going to be amazing! x

  4. Thank you babette and I hope you have a great summer. Stay tuned for Love Week, starting tomorrow.

  5. Although I have never even been to the UK- as of yet- I have been in love with the royal family since childhood. I was up at 5am for the royal wedding 2 years ago and I was glued to the news for two days when it was released that Kate had the baby. I also LOVE the name, it just rolls off the tongue in such an elegant way. And don't worry, I have had baby names listed since middle school and I still add to it and change it. Hey, at least when I actually get married and am ready to have a baby I'll have plenty of choices!
    Have an absolutely fabulous vow renewal!! <3

  6. Oh yes plenty of choices is always a good way to go! Glad to meet another supporter of the Royal family. I hope you have a great weekend and get some sunshine! x

  7. I made a list of baby names when I was younger too! I still remember some of them, including velocity and trinity...I was a weird child haha

    A Golden State of Mind

  8. I love it! Very free spirit names ;)

  9. Congratulations again to you and Ryan! I hope you and the boys have a wonderful time with family and friends over the next few days.
    I know your dad will be looking down and smiling. <3

    all the best,

  10. The photo of the boys running to meet their Nana is beyond priceless!
    I've been a wee too excited about the royal baby (i.e.; driving my husband nuts) but I can't help it! I love love love Will & Kate :)

  11. Thank you so much! It was a snap from the instagram video I took and so glad because it melted my heart. Oh yes another royal fan! x

  12. Thank you so much Steavie! It is so far been a really nice couple of days and I'm looking forward to the rest of the week. Yesterday Ryan took me out for a hike and we intentionally brought our rain jackets because we knew it would pour down on us. It ended up being such a lovely hike in the rain and one of my favourite moments thus far. I love your comment about my dad, thank you for mentioning him. Its been interesting sine we've been here I've been thinking about him even more than normal and I can hear him laughing in my head when someone says something I know he would have thought would be funny, so its like he's right there with us. x


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Bonnie Rose

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