Monday, 27 May 2013

Memorial Day

While today is Bank Holiday in England it is Memorial Day back in the United States.  While either day may mean days off from work, picnics, and bbqs, I take this time to remember those closest in my life who have risked much for the the many they will never meet.  Especially for the fallen heroes, those who never got the opportunity to return home to their loved ones and to the ones still Missing in Action. 

The F-111 in Lakenheath, England is the plane my dad used to fly.  He was a navigator and bombardier in the USAF. He retired as a Lt. Col after 30+ years of service that included fighting in the Gulf War.  
My fondest memories of Memorial day with my daddy is visiting the American Military Cemetery in Nettuno near Anzio.  I remember once we went there and got there when Clinton was in office and I was so excited to get to see the President in person.  I believe it was a special place for my dad because his father had fought here in Italy during WWII.  Basically that is three genrations of my family who have spent significant parts of their life in Italy and four generations of my family whom have lived in Europe. 

Although no longer with us, I remember him especially today.  He is the reason I was born abroad and was able to grow up on military bases overseas until the age of seventeen.  He was an influential person in my husband's life and a big factor for why he chose to follow in his footsteps and join the USAF too.    I wish he could visit us and enjoy our life here in Europe with us but I know he is smiling down from Heaven.

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. 
Rather we should thank God that such men lived.”
- Gen. Patton

This is my time to remember my dad's father, my dad, and my husband for their years of service and in the US Armed Forces.  I also say thank you to everyone else who has served their country and sacrificed  much.  It is a great honour, purpose, and duty and to you I write this post.  Thank you. 

Happy Memorial Day Everyone. 

*photographs found here are sourced and those not sourced belong to Bonnie Rose of Bonnie Rose Photography © 2013 All Rights Reserved | 


  1. I love that you have someone else's hat in your hand, as well as one on your head. Hoarding snappy fashions at a young age!

    In seriousness--what a wonderful gift families like yours are to others. Willingness to move often, complain little and make the most of what it means to serve on the line and in the home front are things I am all the more grateful for as an adult. Blessings and warm wishes to you and your family today and always.

  2. love that picture of you and your dad! what a sweet memory you can always hold onto! happy memorial day!

  3. This picture of you and your dad. I. Love. It. Thank you for posting this dear!
    -Amanda | Living in Another Language

  4. so sweet & you always a beauty!

  5. Oh wow! Your family has such a proud history. I'm sure your boys love hearing the stories of their fighting forefathers :)


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Bonnie Rose

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