Still Scrapbooking....

I don't think we left the house today. Oh wait, we did. My daddy and I went to get Ronan's new carseat put into the car by a proffessional. No sense in either of us melting in the heat to find out we can't get it put in right. We went first to our firestation. They did not have anyone qualified to do it. They called another firestation and it was the same thing. Now my question is: If none of the firefighters can attend the week long training, how do they expect new parents to put them into the car? They sent us to a baby store where we paid a guy $20 to do it for us. He deserved the money though. He was a big guy and had to get in the backseat of my small car to figure it out. Poor guy. He was reallllllllllllllllllly sweaty when he was finished. But Ronan now has a new carseat that he can sit in. They say that they can be front facing when he is 1 year AND 20 lbs. But the guy who put it in suggested he should be at least 16 months old, because it would be like Ronan hitting the stearing wheel at 50 mph to his harness if we got in a wreck. So Ronan may be sitting rearfacing until he is 2!

Well I did a lot more scrapbooking is really addicting. I need to get more photos developed from my digital selection and get some more paper. But that will have to wait till we are settled into our house in Monterey. Ryan asked me on the phone how much money I have spent on scrapbooking. I told him I couldn't hear his question. Which was correct for the first two times he asked. He figured out I was pulling his leg though, when I changed the subject. I see my scrapbooking kit, as my mummys day gift. My daddy told me to tell Ryan that the scrapbook really looks great. I know Ryan will appreciate it compared to a shoebox of photos that never gets looked at.

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