Sunday, 10 July 2005

It is a TOOTH!

This morning at church I felt Ronan's lower gums and felt a very sharp tooth. When I looked to see his gums, I could see a little white tooth poking out! I am so excited. Ronan it is time to ween you off of breast milk and onto food!

Ronan woke up this morning and his eyes were not as gunky as yesterday. Though this afternoon we got home and he needed a nap. He was starting to look like he was feeling pretty bad. Tommrow, hopefully he can get in to see the doctor. No fever...just congestion, the thing with his eyes, and now a tooth.


  1. Faith got soooo congested when she first started teething, although she's had all sorts of crazy congestion/ear infection stuff since birth. But new teeth can make them super congested. Yay - a tooth. Now he can bite!! :)

    btw - we are getting ready to move too.. so I feel your pain.

    Holli, Nate Nate & Faith

  2. Ronan is ready for a steak!! What a big event..they often get stuffy and congested when they start teething...Ryan and Eric did...but he might have a small virus as well....


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