So Ronan and I went to the base to get some last minute things taken care of for our move. Then we got Ronan a new carseat at Target because he is a the max weight limit for his infant one (not to mention his feet are hanging off of it!). Then we went to the scrapbooking party at Sandras. We had so much fun and Ronan got lots of attention from the ladies. I learned how to make pretty hawaiian flowers with my scrapbooking tools from Creative Memories.

Then it was time to meet Grandpa Chuckles at Barnes and Noble for the Harry Potter party. Ronan got his picture taken with the crew of people that dress up for the event. We remember seeing them from the last book release at Barders a few years ago. But we couldn't last till Midnight and later, so we left early. We will pick up our books tommrow and we still get 40% off, so that rocks!

Oh Ronan was so cute...he went as Baby Harry Potter and had a scar on his forehead and everything! My favourite costumes that I saw were the children who dressed up as house elves! How cute!

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