Three cute things...

Yesterday when Ronan was playing on his ocean playmat, he learned how to grab the hanging toys with his hands and fingers. He also spun the ball, that makes music play, a couple of times. It was so neat to watch!

Then last night we had another gab session. It is so much fun! He looks right into my eyes and starts talking in baby speech. I talk back with him and we just go back and forth, like in a real conversation. I really do hear him say, "I love you!".

And then last night as he was getting upset becaue he was very hungry, Ryan brought him over to me. I was on the bed and he was holding him around the chest. Ronan walked, or actually it looked like running, all the way across the bed to me! It was so cute! Posted by Hello

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie Ronan definately has his mommy's nose and his daddy's toes....I think this could be the making of a poem or ryme!! We loved his boxer looking photo...We made copies of many of the photos you have sent this past month and sent them to other relatives. His Great grandparents really have appreciated getting them. Sue took these photos to a womens group meeting she went to lastnight and they were a big HIT...they were impressed with how many very cute and funny pictures we had of Ronan. Again, thanks for doing this Bonnie it has meant a lot to us...Love, Bob & Sue


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