Daddy is leaving soon...

Why is Ronan upset? We just found out that Daddy will be leaving much earlier for basic than as planned. Instead of in 2-3 weeks he is leaving in just a few days. Ronan was just enjoying his special time with daddy (away from mummy) and now he will have to say goodbye for 6 weeks. Poor Ronan! He is really going to miss his daddy! Posted by Hello

1 comment:

  1. Ronan..we know it will be hard for you an mummy to have your daddy gone for 6 weeks...he loves you both very deeply as we know you both love him very much....Grandpa Aherin was away from your daddy and Grandma Aherin for about 3 weeks when he was 2...Grandpa will never forget when he met them at the airport in Minneapolis, MN when he came home...your daddy grab a hold of my leg and would not let go...I had to go to the bathroom and I had to drag him into the bathroom with me..that really touched grandpa because it made him realize how much your daddy loved him...but Daddy is doing something that he needs to do for you and mummy...we know you and mummy will be in his heart..and hopefully the time will pass quickly...your mummy loves you very much also and we know she will take good care of you as well as grandma and grandpa try not to be to sad...we love all of you...Grandma & Grandpa Aherin


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