Bragging Rights

Last night Ronan and I were playing together on the couch. He was being all cute and cuddly. He likes to coo a lot and sometimes says the baby word, "ah goo", which means "I love you", I'm certain. So I looked into his eyes and said "ah goo" and he looked at me and said "ah goo" back. I smiled and praised him. He gave me a huge smile back. We repeated the above several times until we were tired of talking. My dad came in and was laughing with me in excitement to see Ronan responding to me as if we were holding a conversation. It was an amazing moment.

This morning after playing aeroplano with Ronan, I had him standing on my belly. I was supporting him by holding his chest with my hands and he was standing up on his own. His legs seem to be getting stronger every day! He then started taking steps on my tummy and walking towards me. I had to keep lifting him up and scooting him back so he would have more room to keep walking. Though he can support his weight yet and his balance still needs a lot of work, he is definitly getting closer to walking every day!

1 comment:

  1. are growing into such a little man. We are glad you had a good time at your baby shower. Sounds like you will be talking before long. Your dad sure loved to talk when he was a little was one of the many precious memories we have of your Grandma & Grandpa Aherin


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Bonnie Rose

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