
Ronan is such a blessing. It is so amazing watching him grow every day. Today after we woke from his nap, he was smiling at me. As I started to feed him, he smiled at me. When he finished he smiled. I gave him to his daddy and he laughed and smiled with him. It was so precious. Nonna and I think he may be close to teething. He does seem to drool a lot and bite on his fist. We have oralgel on hand just in case...but we are not certain yet. We will wait and see. Ronan got a whole bag full of music and story tapes from Aunt Rose. He is sleeping now to Sesame Street's lullabys. Daddy had a long hike today with Grandpa Chuck, and he is sleeping. So I better say g'nite and head of to dreamland too. Posted by Hello

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