3 Months old!

Ronan turned three months old today! Wow...time has really flown by! We celebrated by taking RoRo to Target to get some new clothes. He really is growing out of clothes faster than I can blink. He got some really cute pirate themed clothes and some sandals. Tonight I took him to a ladies bible study and he really enjoyed being the lucky guy to attend. Well this will be short blog because it has been a long day and I am very tired. Ronan is asleep and that is what I should be doing now. Goodnight friends and family!

1 comment:

  1. Ronan..happy 3 month old birthday ( a day late)....you look so happy and full of life and that makes grandm and grandpa so happy. You have two parents who love you very much and are taking really good care of you...you look so handsome...now don't be flirting with the girl babies to much...but probably they are flirting with you because of how good looking you are...love Grandma & Grandpa Aherin


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Bonnie Rose

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