Counting blessings...

Good Morning! It is past 10:00(am)on a Tuesday morning, and Ronan has just gone down for a nap. He is sleeping on his boppy, which is like a c-shaped pillow for babies ( a great tool for nursing mummys). Ronan is now 2 months old and has grown so much in the last month alone. He is losing much of his newborn hair and his baby hair is coming in quite nicely. Right now he has a a halo of baldness around his head like a line from a hat. I am really enjoying being somebody's mum. I still find it facinating that this little being of cuteness loves me so much and knows when i am or am not around. I love the way he looks at me when he hears my voice and how just the sound of my voice or a cuddle from my arms can help soothe him. I also adore watching my husband with him. From the first time I laid eyes on the two of them in the hospital, I could see what an amazing bond they truly share. Yes, it is hard to get everything done that I need to in a day, but I would not trade motherhood for anything. Ronan Avi is my world and I enjoy this time, where he needs me so much every second of the day. Ronan Avi, I dedicate this first journal entry to you and may God bless you and your life!

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